
Roses of all kinds, from long-stemmed dozens to modern designs.

Favorites in Roses

Order roses online for same-day delivery to Charlotte, Matthews NC, and cities nationwide. We carry long-stemmed red roses, roses of all colors, and compact modern rose arrangements ready for hand delivery! Our roses come in a multitude of colors that symbolize a wide variety of sentiments. Learn more about the meaning of different colored roses here. 100% Satisfaction guaranteed from The Blossom Shop florist. Read below for our answers to frequently asked questions about roses and rose delivery in Charlotte.


Looking for the best roses in Charlotte? Look no further than The Blossom Shop. As your local experts designing English garden flower arrangements, which can feature elegant and refreshing roses of all kinds, trust us when we say we know roses! We make it easy to order roses online through our website or over the phone. Simply call our Charlotte flower shop on Park Rd. and we will be happy to assist in putting together the perfect arrangement of roses for your loved one today. Whether it's a romantic dozen red rose arrangement or a soft bouquet bursting with pastel garden roses, The Blossom Shop has you covered.

We carry a wide variety of roses in our flower shop. These include, but are not limited to: Long-stemmed roses, short-stemmed roses, premium roses, garden roses, spray roses, mixed colored roses, red roses, white roses, yellow roses, pink roses, and more!

Depending on the color of the rose, roses can symbolize many different things. Red roses symbolize love and respect. Yellow roses symbolize joy and friendship. Pink roses symbolize joy. White roses symbolize innocence and caring. Orange roses symbolize fascination. Coral roses symbolize desire. These are just a few sentiments that roses can symbolize. For more, see our guide to The Meaning of Roses, linked above!

We use only premium rose varieties in all of our arrangements. Whether you're ordering one dozen red roses for your romantic partner or want to send a simple arrangement of yellow roses to a friend, our roses will always arrive at their destination as fresh and fragrant as when they left our shop. That is our satisfaction guarantee.

A Word from Our Customers